Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Take Him at His Word" -2

"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken." (Psalms 34:20) When you get right down to it, God's Word will stand for ever; there is absolutely nothing that God holds higher than His Word, for His Word is what everything else is based upon. So, here is what God has been speaking to me about, and I hope I can express it in a way that is as easy to understand as it is to have witnessed it played out in my mind; but it involves more than just a calling, as in being called by God; it involves a destiny, as in, a destiny that we have been given to fulfill. And you know, the funny thing is, as long as we are still here, it's not too late to fulfill it! Do you get what I am saying? Anyone? Okay, let's move over to the discussion of "his bones", and maybe they can add a little meat to my meaning. The Hebrew word being used is the word 'estem, which means bone, essence, substance; bone, so called from it's firmness and strength; yet, essence and substance, so called for the very life and body represented, as in bodily form. Now then, if God has given you a vision of what your life should be in this time you have been allotted, and has confirmed that vision by His word, then you can bet your bottom dollar that the vision He gave you was meant for you. Maybe, as I, your vision involved the gift of healing; which I know it was a vision and not a dream, because it appeared to me in color, not in black and white; yet it appeared, I believe, to show me a destiny available to me, and a gift that God wanted me to "prove". That word "prove" is such a 'door-opening' word; it's pretty much like the children of Israel crossing the Jordan into the "Promised Land", where in order to receive the promise, they needed to cross over into the land. Yet, we have a reluctance to take that step, not because we lack the promise, but because we lack the faith to enter in. It's like, If God is so big and powerful, then why do I feel so weak? If God has delivered me from sin, then why am I still sinning? Can you see how faith gets hindered? It's only natural that we base what we are going to experience upon that which we have already experienced; and thus far, it may not be all that it was meant to be! But God! God has a destiny for each and every one of us that are called by His Name! And the funny thing is, this destiny is not based upon our ability to perform miracles or take on mighty battles; our destiny is dependent upon our ability to obey: to obey just as if we are part of His body; moving in the direction He moves us; going where He leads us; being connected at the joint, and living out our lives as a member of the Body of Christ...
"For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." (Romans 12:3-5)

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