Thursday, September 19, 2013

"A Heart of Righteousness"

"The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." (Psalms 34:17) If you understand the Book of Romans, you know how it traverses back and forth, taking on so many issues that present themselves in the normal Christian life; probably the most profound of which is the u-turn type of effect that will take place in a life that surrenders completely to God. There is really no other way to explain it, as we can go from a destitute heart one minute, to a heart of righteousness; all based upon the direction in which we are headed; which (and this is important), is also based upon our standing with God. Who wants to have troubles in their life; anybody you know? I surely don't; yet those troubles that I face are mostly the ones that I have created. Much the same with David, who in his effort to run away from Saul, ran into the city of his enemies; not only his enemies, but those that thought him to be king. You can call this 'jumping from the fire into the frying pan' if you wish, but I prefer to call it 'trying to hide thyself among the weeds'; if you truly are God's anointed one, you really don't blend in very well with the unrighteous. Do you know why I believe that God has a sense of humor? It's because He needs to have one to tolerate all the stupid stuff that I do and still love me! I mean really, if you think about some of the critical points of the Bible, as in the point of Adam hiding from God, and God asking Adam where he was; like God didn't know; or God asking Adam, "Who told you were naked?", after Adam said, "I knew I was naked, so I hid from You". Or the story of Jonah, and his 'bleached out rebellion'; how God's will cannot be adverted, because He always gets His man! In other words, you can't hide from Him, and you can't run far enough away... "For there is no respect of persons with God. (Nothing but Jesus!) For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law; and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. (Try it!)" (Romans 2:11-13) 

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