Saturday, March 9, 2024

"The Widest Application"

 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV)

  ""Long ago I told you what was going to happen. Then suddenly I took action, and all my predictions came true. For I know how stubborn you are. Your necks are unbending as iron. Your heads are as hard as bronze. That is why I told you what would happen; I told you beforehand what I was going to do. Then you could never say, 'My idols did it. My wooden image and metal god commanded it to happen!' You have heard my predictions and seen them fulfilled, but you refuse to admit it. Now I will tell you new things, secrets you have not yet heard. They are brand new, not things from the past. So you cannot say, 'We knew that all the time!' "" (Isaiah 48:3-7 NLT)

 I was just thinking of something silly, a song from Tiny Tim, "Tip-Toe Through the Tulips," which for some reason, is how I feel, as I navigate through this Book! Like walking on rice paper without tearing it, or even causing it to wrinkle! 

 Again, this extremely complex work of art, could not have been manifested without God's input and leading; along with the very experienced penman, as he takes the multi-level applications, making them fit all sorts of conditions of the heart. If you cannot see what is being said on one level, then you will see it as its suites your heart; but if you see it from the Right level, then it opens up into something new and hard to deny: that God is speaking into your heart! 

 Simple, childlike faith! That is what we need, as if there is something being directly told to you: you really don't need to tear it apart trying to analyze it, making it into something that fits your needs, and forgetting Who it is that you need to please. It is not about your expectations here on the earth; it is about the hope within you for what comes after, because there really is nothing new under the sun! 

 Let me try and put it another way. Here, on the earth, which is the place under the sun; nothing we do that can be undone; you cannot go back and fix something or stop it from happening, if it has already happened, it is done! This is basically the law of consequences and the circumstances for what is done. 

 Looking at this from a spiritual point of view, God does not make mistakes! When it looks like He has changed His mind, He is causing a change in who He is dealing with, by making them see it from a different direction. Case in point: Moses, whom God said, "Now then let me alone, that my anger may burn against them, and that I may destroy them, and I will make you a great nation." (Exodus 32:10)

 God did not actually expect that Moses would go along with what He said He would do; He said what He said to change Moses' heart, causing him to have pity upon the people, and to love them, as God loved them; something Moses was having a problem doing, because he wasn't getting their respect. 

 This is the way we treat God, without even knowing it! When we pretend that He isn't looking, that He doesn't care, or feel as though He has abandoned us, we are not giving Him the respect that He deserves! Even though, (we should knock ourselves in the head,) He already knows what we will do, before we even think about doing it! 

 In that regard, look at this from the Right direction! Before the foundations of the earth, Jesus was going to die for your sins, and He did just that! Your sins have been forgiven, and that is that! You are now a New Creature, a holy vessel, no longer a citizen of this earth, but a citizen of Heaven. Now you are no longer subject to old life, under the sun; but have been given New Life under the Son...

"What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdon of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever." (1 Corinthians 15:50 NLT) 


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