Tuesday, March 26, 2019


"I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes." (Psalms 119:45)

  Taking the long way home, might not be such a bad idea, if you need time to get alone with the Lord. At least that is what I feel God speaking into my heart this morning, that we need to find time to get alone with Him, to get real with Him, and to actually stop moving our mouths and start speaking from our hearts! These last few days, or weeks, have been such a blur; if not for this time in the morning to get a little Word in me, I feel like I might go crazy. I have lived in the house I live in now longer than any other place my entire life. It has been ten and a half years that we have been here, and this weekend is the big move to the new house. "Cope" is what I feel this section of Scripture is speaking; cope with a big giant "H" after it, is in a HUGH sigh of relief. Pastor Bryan was speaking about the word "breathed" in Genesis 2:7, as it is pronounced in the Jewish language, that there is a popping sound made at the end of the word. I had asked him after his message if Jesus might have made that kind of sound as He breathed the Holy Spirit into His disciples. That is what I am talking about here, the "H" at the end of cope, is like a very deep and badly needed exhale, as in, we just stop and say, "Thank You Lord!" This is what I feel is David's heart; not just that he prays to the LORD with his whole heart, but that he expects that the LORD is listening, and he expects that the LORD is going to do something with his prayer. In other words, he is not just wasting his breath; all that he cries out to God about, is stuff that God wants to hear from him, and He cares what David is feeling and saying. I hope you can understand what I am taking about, because it is seriously all about feeling satisfied that God not only heard you, but that your problem or complaint was dealt with; end of story! There have been so many times that I have experienced this, I can't even begin to count them. This is not about naming and claiming anything; it is about knowing that your God has heard you and will be taking care of your situation! Just that alone is enough!!! Seriously! You have everything dealt with by simply giving it all to God! What a magnanimous sigh of relief...

""For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."" (Jeremiah 29:11) NLT

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