Saturday, May 5, 2012


"His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity." (Psalms 10:7) Having learned how to dance, we move on to something that begs to be reckoned with: the tongue! I am sure that we all have said something at one time or another that we which we could take back; it really is hard to control this thing that spews forth whatever, especially if it is not brought under control of the Holy Spirit! James chapter three has some really good counsel on this subject, and puts this in perspective of the proper issue, that which is the heart, and how our tongue is a member that cannot be left in control of that which we do not know; for we do not always know what our heart will do! In verse 3:8, James says, "But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison". For some, this whole issue of the tongue may not seem like such a big deal, at least until someone speaks out against them with one; but this little mischief maker has destroyed kingdoms, churches, and lives, over and over again. Why is it so hard to control? I think it is because our tongues are controlled to easily by our hearts; thereby, we speak sometimes before we even think about what we are saying. As we move through this Psalm, I have detected a pattern of something that relates to each and every one of us; which is that of our frailness and abilities to adhere to that which is holy and righteous: we have no ability to do so! And as soon as we start thinking that we do, we fall prey to every sort of weakness imaginable. "Another Prayer for Justice" is not just another title for a Psalm, but it is a prayer for mercy regarding the condition of our heart! To put this in a way that can be easily understood, we could relate this to what Paul said in Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God". We are not able to achieve the righteousness that is required to enter into the righteousness of God; but through Jesus Christ, we have been made the righteousness of God. And it is only in Jesus that we can ever be free of that which is unholy and is naturally of ourselves; the tongue being that which is proves the condition of our hearts. The word 'Profanation' is a word that means violation or irrelevant treatment of sacred things; which is the state of our character when we walk in the flesh and do not adhere to that which has been established in us who are in Jesus Christ; for He is our righteousness...

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