Saturday, May 26, 2012


"For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; His countenance doeth behold the upright." (Psalms 11:7) As I see this played out in my mind, it is something that requires commitment to trusting God for His hand to be upon our life; believing that it is He who has established us, controls that which might overwhelm us, and will complete His work in us, until the day is done! Again, we have this last verse expressing the point that David wanted to make in this short, but very powerful song about Trusting God; because it is not about our power, or our ability, or even our righteousness!!! It is about Him performing His work in us! He loves to see His work played out in our lives; to see us put our trust in Him delights His heart. Do you trust God in all things? If so, then you will not be overwhelmed by anything that this world might dish out, or anything that might be part of your cup or lot; even if that might seem to overwhelm, putting our full trust in God will never let us be without hope. The point is this: that God wants us to be overwhelmed by His love for us and by His grace that He so abundantly pours out to us; each and every day of our life. In this kind of relationship with a God who loves us we are never without hope, no matter what circumstance we are in may appear to show, or what those around us may judge is happening; we know that God is in control, and that He loves us; Period!!! On the other hand; we have those who do not trust in God, and who wickedly live their lives as if God is not watching, or concerned, or that He even exist; these are they who shall be overwhelmed with destruction in the day of His judgement, and shall be overwhelmed by the truth; the real Truth; truth that will not set them free, but will crush them as grapes are crushed to make wine; they will be learn in an instant what is meant by 'cup of trembling'. There are only two paths that we have to choose from: one that leads to life everlasting, and the other leads to destruction; one is based upon Grace and Love, while the other is swallowed up in His fury; one is overwhelmed by His Love, while the other; well, let's just say, It's not pretty...

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