Saturday, January 2, 2010

Motivated by Love...John 14:15

There was a time when I was motivated by fear; prior to September 1981. Being raised in a JW belief that no matter what I did I was going to get judged by God for my sinful nature, and my only hope was to try and get the good to out way the bad. I knew that I could not be good enough to erase the sin in my life. I could not hand out enough magazines, or have enough dogs bite me to be found worthy. Besides, I was told that I was not allowed in heaven; that was only for a few chosen ones. Instead I would be here on earth having picnics every day with people of all color and joining us was all kinds of carnivorous animals that just wanted to eat fruit and vegetables.
Well that didn't work. By the time I was twelve I was numb to the fear. In fact, I would say I was eager to challenge fear, any fear. But in September of 1981 I meet Jesus, and for the first time I knew what John 3:16 really meant. God did not send a son for a ransom sacrifice! God sent Himself to die for my sins; all my sins. I no longer had the fear, or even the need for the fear of being found not worthy. The millstone around my neck had been taken off; the shackles of sin had been removed. Not only that, but I was no longer under the old covenant that was based on "Thou Shalt Not Do That". I was under a new covenant that said "Thou Shalt Love God and Love Thy Brothers".
Jesus says, "Do you love me? Then keep My commandments." There are no longer 10, but now there are only 2; 'To love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength' and 'To love my brother as myself'.
Now I am motivated by love. Now I am going to be judged on how much I loved, not sin in my life. God will now hold me accountable in a whole new way. Before I was condemned, lost and separated from God. But now I am forgiven, justified and glorified before God by what Christ Jesus did on the cross. I have been able to experience the Love God has for me first hand and now that I have, I must live out that Love in my daily life.

1 comment:

  1. Rich this would make a great sermonette or sermon Isn;t it true that love is the only motivation that rescues us from ourselves.
    Especially that love of the savior and the love of our wives!
    Love you brother
