Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Big Is Our God? - Psalms 8

Have you ever tried to fathom how big the Universe is? I mean really tried to wrap your mind around it and just take it in. If you have, you may have experienced just how small you are in such a massive space. Now think about this, God created it all with just a word; "Let there be", and there was something where there was once nothing. I can recall one day as I was pulling into Raileys parking lot, I heard Paul Harvey speaking on the radio, and he was talking about a group of Astrophysicists gathered around a computer simulation image of the Universe; and they were astonished by how familiar the image was; because it looked very similar to the image of a magnified brain cell. I was parking my truck, and immediately picked up my phone and started calling people. I could not wait to get home to my computer and start looking up images of brain cells and the universe. What size would that make our God if the Universe was as a brain cell of His? Really, Really, Really Big! But, no matter how big He is, He still cares infinitely for us; and He knows our name. What an amazing God we serve. Everything that He has created was done in such majestic form, from the greatest, to the very least. The further man explores the heavens and the smallest of molecules, the more amazed we become at the complexity of God's handiwork. Think about the fact that He has made us in His image, and fashioned us with the ability to explore, think, love and create. In fact, I love that God sparked the creative mind within Adam, by having him give names to all the animals, (Gen. 2:19 & 20). Think about that for a moment; what if you had to name the animals; would you come up with names like: Lynx, Emu, Gnu or Peccary? How about naming some stars? There are still a lot of stars out there without names; and astronomers are running short a characters in both the alphabet and the numbers to give names to them all. They are just naming the closest, brightest and most prominent ones; and still they are scrambling for new names.

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