Saturday, November 16, 2024

"Throwing Down the Gauntlet"

 "All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt." (Ecclesiastes 8:9 KJV)

  "And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped spread the Good News. For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ. And because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God's message without fear." (Philippians 1:12-14 NLT)

 Okay, sorry for the late post, but I slept in today. Just call me a sinner, I can take it! This morning, I am going to try and express something that has been heavy upon my heart. There are some in the church that want to put down what is happening in our country, but it is actually happing everywhere, across this entire world. You can call it a spiritual awakening, if you like; but I would like to refer it to something that is more about 'eye-opening'; where people are starting to wake up and pay attention to what is going on in this world.

 To start with, this county here called, the United States of America, was founded upon something that was not based upon kings and rulers, but upon the rule of law! Not just any laws, but upon the Commandments of God; using the Bible as the guide to establish how our country should be governed. 

 Secondly, they made another very unique and new proclamation, wherein, the people were to control the government, not the government controlling the people. The government was to be there to protect and carry out the laws, based upon the laws as they had been written. So, first and foremost, this nation was built to be a republic, governed by the rule of law, and based upon the laws, the people were to choose their leaders to carry out what the laws required, which made up our democracy.

 I am not any sort of expert in history, so don't judge my observations. But just as it was in the last verse of Judges: "In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." (Judges 21:25 NLT) So it is and was here, having the rule of law less of a priority, they put the democracy first and foremost, which made the law less important, and the choices of the people what mattered the most.

 If you know your Bible, then you should know that the people's choices don't usually agree with what God wants, but is established based upon what they want, as the majority get to choose how things should be done. What that looks like, was what we saw happening these last 4 years! 

 I don't know if you saw Sulvester Stallone's announcement, calling President Trump the "Second George Washington," because it was pretty awesome. But what he was saying had to do with what had happened and what was happening. This is bigger than Trump; because God is doing a work, to get things to hurry along! 

 Get ready church, and pay attention...

"It's true that some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry. But others preach about Christ with pure motives. They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News. Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely, intending to make my chains more painful to me. But that doesn't matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice." (Philippians 1:15-18 NLT)   


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