Monday, November 26, 2018


"My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word." (Psalms 119:25)

 Having wisdom can sometimes get in the way of our childlike surrender that is required for us to listen to what God is saying. If we don't listen well enough, then we end up being stuck in the lesson God is trying to teach us, never moving forward to the next lesson. If I was going to assign a law or principle to this, it would be the law of dull hearing; which is where we have hearing that is dulled by several different things, like pride, worldliness, hardheartedness, and too much head knowledge. Just as the last law was about our vertical relationship with God, always looking up to Him, this is about what is happening here, as we find ourselves cleaving to this world, in some form or fashion. I guess you could say that it is about fence sitting; but I would dare to say, it is more about holding onto the things God would have us give over to Him. I really do want to be ready when Jesus comes to take His bride from this earth. I am one of the pre-tribulation believers, that believe His children will be taken out of the wrath that will poured out upon a non-believing world. I also believe that there are some, a whole lot of some, that are half-hearted believers that are going to be left. These are those that are the dull of hearing, only hearing what they want to hear and shutting out the rest. Selective hearing, is what some might call it. I do not want to be that, and if I am, I pray that God would quicken me according to His word! That word "quicken" means to revive, or to bring back to life. If we are not moving forward it is because we have too much of a grip on something we need to let go of. If there is a lesson to be learned in all of this, it is that we cannot do this on our own. It is like that big giant rock that God has asked us to push; we try and we try, but we just can't push it. Then we finally give up trying, because we run out of faith; crying out to God, we say, "Why would you ask me to do something that I cannot do?" All along, God was waiting for us to ask for His help...

"Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me." (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) NLT

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