Monday, June 13, 2016


"And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the Most High in the wilderness." (Psalms 78:17) If there is one thing I know from experience, it's the fact that people are very short sighted when it comes to gratitude. They are grateful as long as your dishing out what they want, but as soon as you hesitate or don't meet there expectation, then nothing you did before matters anymore, you have just become heartless. As easy as it is for us to be like that, it is easier for us to forget God's blessings and how faithful He has been to help us in the past. Don't ask me why that is, because I really don't know; except to say, we sometimes don't think He is concerned with whatever it is we might be dealing with, as if our little problem matters in the midst of all the other really big issues going on in the world. You remember that song, "Count Your Blessings?" Well, it's pretty much the truth, because when we fail to count our blessing, we fail to realize just how much we count to God. We serve a Multitasking God, who can do all things, all at once! He is not confined by time or space; neither is He limited in strength or ability; there is absolutely nothing that is impossible with God! Yet, we continually doubt Him being there for us. Maybe it's sin that causes us to doubt His loyalty and faithfulness? After all, if we are not loyal and faithful to Him, why would we expect Him to be there for us? The word "provoking" is one that speaks to striking or to stroke, much as lashing out at someone for no reason whatsoever. You know what I am talking about? Have you ever had one of those moments when you're stuck in traffic, totally outraged for being delayed from whatever it is you think you're late for, and you forget how God is always watching out for you? You know, the times when you find out, had you been there or gone that way, you would have most likely been killed or involved in some sort of accident. I remember my wife telling me something that happened to her on the highway, as weird as it might sound; she said she was driving down the highway with our son beside her in the car, and there was a really old woman standing on the side of the road, with her hood up and jumper cables in her hands. My wife said she was going to fast to stop, so she went down to the next turnoff, which was about a quarter of a mile down the road; and when she got back to the spot where she saw the old woman, there was nobody there; no car, no nothing! She had our son standing right beside her as she told me the story, and he kept nodding his head in agreement. We thanked God, and agreed together that it must have been an angel, and that she needed to be diverted for some reason or another. You never really know, but you need to be grateful in all things, always...
"Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people. Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:14-18) NLT

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