Sunday, August 25, 2013


"My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad." (Psalms 34:2) Moving on with the knowledge and the child-like relationship with a God that not only loves us, but that also has the power to make all things new, we can boast in that with confidence. If you ever participated in that schoolyard boasting match, the one where you boast about who's dad is better than who's, then you might get a little better understanding of what I am talking about; because the one that usually is boasting the most, and with the most enthusiasm, is the one who gets the attention of those that are listening on. Your dad could have the crappiest job of all, but if you sell it right, and if you make it exciting, you were most likely going to win the argument. Now imagine how much more spectacular our boasting should be about our Heavenly Father, and take that level of acknowledgement and work it into what is being said in the context of this verse. The first thing I thought of as I was meditating on this verse was that of a "Bounder", as in one that bounds about; if you have ever seen the little five minute cartoon, then you might understand that; if not, it's really not that important. As I was looking into the meaning of a few particular words, I was then drawn to title this post "Flash-Light", as in to flash the Light of God before others. When David is speaking about his "soul", he is using a word that describes his breath of life, meaning that which moves him, that gives life to all that he is, and all that he wants to be; this includes his passion, his appetite, his emotions; the life of the creature that he is, based upon all that he knows; hence the reason for the female gender, because it is that which causes birth of new emotions, new passions, and a new appetite for living. With this breath of life, the excitement of what is being said can be understood, and the power behind "boast" can be known, because it is a word that means to shine, to be clear, and to be brilliant; as if to say, With all that I am, I will illuminate the Lord as my breath of life, and as the one that makes me move. The real "Flash-Light" part of what is being said, is that which is described in the second part of the verse, as in, "the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad". Back to the schoolyard boasting match, there are those that can see the enthusiasm in our praise for what our dad might do, taking that same enthusiasm and transferring into their own lives, taking that which their own dad does in a new light. This works pretty much the same when it comes to sharing about our Heavenly Father; whereas, those that are "humble", meaning that they are in need of encouragement, will receive it with gladness... "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God." (Romans 8:18-21)

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