Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Moving on from what is probably the most quoted Psalm, we are now given a chance to experience a Psalm that describes our Lord as the Ruler and Possessor of all; something that many people do not pay enough attention to, especially those that might think that they have power over their own lives. It is believed that David may have written this Psalm after having successfully brought the ark of God into the city and to it's resting place. If you know the story, then you might remember how David's first attempt to move the ark ended with him wanting nothing to do with it, after a faithful servant was killed for just having tried to steady the ark from falling off a cart that it was being moved on. David was very discouraged over the death of someone who was just trying to help, and his view of God was obscured for a season by the thought of God's harsh judgement on someone who he thought was not guilty of doing anything wrong. Isn't the same way a lot of us will take up wondering about God's judgement and fairness, as we see some people cured of disease or sickness, and some who are not that we think should have been? Having a discussion with a friend yesterday about someone we know who is suffering with cancer, my friend asked me why God does not heal those that are prayed for, especially when they are being prayed for by so many people. I had no answer that I could rationally give to him, and I really did not know how to justify how those choices are made. Having thought about it all night, I have only one answer to return back with, and it may or may not add to any comfort for my friend. But it really all comes down to this one very important principle about God and all of His Glory: He is God, and because He is, He has all the answers, and He knows what is best for all of His children! David realized this after having seen the family blessed by the ark having been left of their land. It took a simple thing like God blessing someone for having done nothing but letting the ark rest upon their land for David to see the Glory of God's judgements, and to remember that the earth is the LORD'S, and it is His to do whatever is His will, and who are we to question His authority. If you know the story, then you should also remember how it was that David finally brought the ark into the city; not on a cart, but carried with poles by  Levitt's; just as God had instructed it to be carried when it was made. As you might have guessed, the title written above this Psalm in my Bible is "THE KING OF GLORY". I know that not every Bible has the same title written, and that some have none; but, having seen what happened to Jesus in order that we could be saved from our sins, how can we ever question God's compassion for us?

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