Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Most Excellent Glory"

"O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens." (Psalms 8:1) Just in case you do not know what the image is, that is the image that the Hubble Space Telescope has sent back to us, of the Black Hole in the center of the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy, only 31 million light years away! Now; as to what God's way of doing things and our ways differ in; you tell me, How great is our God!!! I can only imagine what David was thinking as he wrote this Psalm. But you must realize something about David; coming from his background as a shepherd, David had no doubt spent many nights gazing up into the heavens, and admiring God's glorious creations; although, he most likely was not able to view this image, at least not the one in this galaxy; he did however see Jesus upon the cross! As David describes the Lord, using, "how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!", he is making mention of God's magnificent, illustrious, glorious renown, in and to all the earth! In other words; God's glory is declared in all of His creation! From the least of the smallest particles, to the greatest mass that has been found; God's glory is brought forth in everything that He has created. And, just in case you did not know, the largest star that we have found thus far, is called, Alpha Canis Majoris, or other wise known as, The Big Dog Star; which they figure has a circumference that is as big as ten times the size of the earth's orbit around the sun; that is pretty big! So, when we wonder how big our God is; well let's just say, God is really Big!!! Furthermore; as David proclaims, "Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens", he is making mention of God's glory that exceeds all that we can see in the sky; in other words, we have seen nothing yet!!! Imagine what glorious images we will be gazing upon once we get to heaven; and if you look at the images that are visible on the Hubble website, you will see things that are beyond description; yet, these do not compare to the glory of Who God is! And yet, God has set His eye upon us; each and every one of us, are precious in His sight! It is hard to imagine how this is even possible, yet He has declared it over and over in His 'Love Letter' to us! Beyond that; He has declared it by sending His Son to suffer and die for us on the cross! Paul says, in Galatians 6:14, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world". In other words; the cross has set us free from the world of sin, and has made us free from sin; of which God has ordained since the beginning of time...

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