Tuesday, February 28, 2012


"My eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies." (Psalms 6:7) Just when you think I could not get any weirder or more out there; well, let's just say, Hold onto your hats! This is the part where you figure out who is pulling all of the strings, and who it is that is actually putting you in all of those places that you do not belong! Subtil and crafty are his ways; yet invited in by our own affections and our lusts; the enemy gains a foothold into our lives by the things which we allow to be placed between us and God! I do not believe that a Christian can be possessed by demons, but I do believe that we can be oppressed by them. These are the powers of spiritual wickedness that have been invited into our lives by the sins that we commit. I know that I am touching on some very sensitive subject here, but nonetheless, I believe that this is a real and present danger in many of our lives. For some, this might be more than they can even try to consider as reality; that somehow sin opens the door for demons to taunt us, or have an influence upon our lives; but it does! Especially unconfessed sin that is left unchecked and left to be continued for any length of time: when it becomes a habit, then it is more than likely attached to a demonic force that is helping that habit to stay alive. Let me give you a little example of what I am talking about; and let's say that your sin is an object of desire, such as pornography. You have made a determination to not partake of that sin any longer, and then, wow and behold, what shows up at your doorstep? Do you think that God placed it there to tempt you, or was it someone else? Well, it was not God; for James 1:13 & 14 says, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed." No way is it God who tempts us, but it is the devil; and he uses those things that we are drawn to, which give him a foothold to entice us with. This is what I mean by "Realization"; because we come to realize who it is that has been jerking our chain, and causing us to sin! Oh, he is not completely the one who is at fault, because we can always flee from temptation; but that is the point of his enticement, in that he gives us what we want! Well, I have rambled enough; let's get into what David is saying; shall we? The "eye" that David makes reference to, as in, "My eye is consumed because of grief", is a really interesting word; for it is a word that means to afflict, in the sense of something acted upon by an outside source, as an eye is by light. This word is 'Ayin', and it has a wide variety of applications centered around the functions of the eye, and the extensions of those functions. But, for time sake, let's just say that this eye which David is speaking of is the portal to his soul, and then go from there. Because the next word, is the word "consumed", which means fail, as in, I have failed again! But, it also means waste away, as in, I have surely wasted my life away!!! And then, the word "grief"; which is meant to be anger, but with a little twist; because the normal form of this word, shows the trouble that man causes, thus triggering hurt feelings. It is an interesting way to look at a very complex situation; because, although the eye is influenced by an outside source, the inner reaction makes an adjustment to that source, and thus becomes accustom to it; which then causes the grief or hurt, having been tricked by not only the outside source, but also by the natural reactions of the eye; or something of that sort!!! With that; we have the rest of the verse; which cuts a little more to the chase! "It waxeth old because of all mine enemies", is this eye which David has been speaking of, that being the portal of his soul, has been weakened or consumed because of his enemies. The word "enemies" speaks of adversary; to bind up, be tied up, or restricted; to show hostility towards, vex, harass, and to pretty much waste a life!!! You know what I am talking about!

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