Friday, December 9, 2011


I do not need to research for answers, nor do I need to seek out truth, because the Truth lives in me, and the Truth is the proof!!! The truth is the proof: that is the words that have kept ringing in my mind all night long, as if to continue to enforce in me the mystery of the Trinity. Something that is not really a mystery at all to those that believe, but is merely a fact of the way things are in the character of who God really is. As is verified in the product of all of God's creation; everything that has been made by Him is three, even down to the smallest of particles! When it comes to the human body, we are born, we live, and then we die; which does not begin to show what I am talking about, but I thought I would just throw it out there. Something that I learned a long time ago, and that I have carried deep within my soul for the last thirty years, is the fact that in the nature of God, it is not a matter of plus and minus, but of multiplication and division. It's not one plus one plus one equals three; but rather, one times one times one equals One!!! For with God, He alone, who created everything from the vastness of space, to the very distance between space and matter, has not only verified Who He is by His creation, but continues to hold it together by His very Word!!! Say what you will about what you think that you know, but the product of His creation is the proof of Who He is, time and time again!!! "Come and let us reason together" the Lord would say, "Come and consider the handiwork of My creation", you who doubt the existence of a trinitarian God! "Is there anything that is beyond My power and might?" How can anyone even consider to doubt who God is, or what He is capable of doing? Not that there is any reason to doubt Him, or that He is a Triune God; as a matter of fact, there is reason not to doubt it, once you consider all that He has made; especially when it comes to the creation of man! "Let Us make man in Our image" was the words of God as He considered forming man from the dust of the ground in His own likeness. If you could just consider what that means, and reason that in your mind; just that alone should instruct your thinking to what the God's character consist of; for He did not make a Holy man, but Adam was fallible and subject to failure, of which he had proven. Therefore, the image that God was speaking of must have been one of substance and not of qualities. Man was created body, soul and spirit. Three distinct parts that made one human-being. It was the spirit of man that became separated from God at the fall of man; which was due to the fact that man's spirit was connected to the Spirit of the Living God, who is Holy, and of which no sin can dwell. Sin separated man from God's Spirit, due to the fact that God is Holy, and no sin can dwell within Him. What was left, was the physical body of man and his eternal soul; the soul that had been created by the very breath of God; of which, that eternal soul was destined to live on, in separation from a Holy God. There was only one way for God to correct this situation, and that was to make way for a second Adam, one which was Holy, and could redeem man unto Himself; by way of being Holy, as only He is Holy, yet in the body of a man!!! Why must God come and die upon the cross? Is that the question that you ask? For no other reason than to redeem man unto Himself!!!! For He alone is Holy, and He alone was able to make a way for man to become infallible! That is what Grace is all about!!! Grace is God's way of providing unto us a way to be Holy and to reconnected onto Him in a way that we could never do by ourselves! Again; let me repeat something that I have said before: Grace continues where mercy leaves off!!! Yes, it's true that He came to die for our sins, that is God's mercy; but Grace provides for us to be taken beyond redemption, and to be given a place within the Holiness of God...

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