Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As soon as I was finished with yesterday's blog, I had this thought come upon me about those who might say, 'But I don't feel like I have the Word of Reconciliation within me'. That is alright, because most people are in the same boat; but here is the thing: Speak and you shall know the Word of Reconciliation! 'Hold on there dude; I can't do that; what if I it does not work?' That might be your reaction to what I said; and if it is, that is natural also. This is what we must know about the Word of Reconciliation: it is of God, and not of us; so you can practice it all you want, but when it comes down to reconciling the heart's of men to God, there is only One who is the one who speaks, and that is God! However, we must be willing to open our mouths and let Him speak through us; knowing also, that it is Him who will be doing the speaking, we must also be subject to the power of the Holy Spirit, and in an attitude of prayer. Maybe there was a lot of stuff in that statement, and I should take it apart a little? First off, we must know that the Word of Reconciliation that is within us, and which can be uttered by us, is of God; in other words, it is not of us. Although we have been reconciled to God, and therefore know what it is about; it is not that experience, or the knowledge of that, which is used to convince others. If we are going to be doing it in that framework, we are doing the speaking based upon our own power, and not of His. That being said, God can speak through anyone, at anytime; so if He can speak through an Ass, and get someones attention, He can speak through us; even if we are speaking our own words. But, for our everyday conversations with those that we meet, and those that we wish to share Jesus with, the words which make their hearts turn towards Him, are from Him. Which is why we must be subject to the power of the Holy Spirit; which means, that we must be walking in the power of the Spirit. If we are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, then we will be talking by the power of the Holy Spirit; it's that simple, really! To be 'subject' to the power of the Holy Spirit, means that we are submissive to the Holy Spirit; which really means that we are not being submissive to the flesh. This is really important!!! Because, as you look at the word 'Word', the primary meaning of that word 'logos' is 'Intelligence'; and if we are speaking to someone about God's Love, we really need to be speaking intelligently; which God never fails to do! And then, we must always remember to pray! Not just praying for the words to speak, but praying also for the heart of those that we are speaking to; that their heart would be softened to receive the Word of Reconciliation; and be prepared for Reconciliation!!! "We then, as workers together with Him, beseech you also that ye receive not the Grace of God in vain. For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of Salvation have I succoured thee: Behold, now is the accepted time; Behold, now is the Day of Salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:1 & 2) (FYI: that word 'succoured' means HELPED!)

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