Sunday, July 25, 2010

"What A Trip"

I am back home, and you may not have even known I was gone; but I took a 7,000 mile trip in the RV. It was to have lasted 21 days, but the RV broke down in Florida for 4 days; which was really quite interesting. We had a chance to meet some very wonderful people along the way, but I think the period of time when we were broke down was the most interesting. The problem with the RV was a fluke, and something the Ford service people called 'a known problem'; but apparently it was known only by them, because no one else could figure it out. After driving through a heavy rain storm east of Tallahassee, the RV acted as if it was out of gas, but more like it was not getting the proper gas supply. My very first thought was that it was the fuel filter; others thought that it was the fuel pump; but that did not make sense because the pressure to the fuel injectors was adequate. And during the first pressure test at the injectors, water was discovered in the line; which made us think that there might be water in the gas tank. But after pulling the new filter that I installed, the contents were found to be only gas. When we first broke down I called my GMAC insurance company, which arranged for a tow; however, Florida law is the no one can be in the RV as it is being towed, so they tried to find transport for my wife. I guess they could not find a Medi-Van, because after about a half hour a ambulance showed up, and instructed me that they had to transport her to the hospital; because that was protocol. I was not having that, and told them that I would walk her to the place where the RV was being taken. At which time they got on the horn with their captain, and it was decided that they would follow the RV to where it was going; Defuniak Springs, Florida, to Triangle Chevrolet. The EMTs stayed with us there on the side of the road for over an hour, until the tow truck showed up, and the RV was being transported. Then Marianne, Laura, myself and one of the EMTs road in the back of the ambulance behind the RV. My generator had quit working the week prior, so we needed to find a place to plug into for power. Just so happened that there was a Spanish Evangelical Church (Iglesia Canaan) right across the street from the dealer. One of the EMTs asked them if we could plug into their church, and they said we could; then he also asked the person who owned a antique store next to their building, if we could park in their lot, they also said it was alright. So, I had to drive the RV around the block to get into the lot; which went pretty good at about 2 miles an hour, until I started to go uphill. Then about 6 brothers from the church got behind the RV and pushed us the rest of the way. After getting hooked into power and situated, it was time for church, which started at 7:30 pm. I was able to get Marianne ready, and the three of us went to church. We could not really understand the words to the songs, or the messages that were being given, but we were all praising the same God, and the Spirit was moving. Service lasted over 2 and a half hours, and was not going to be over until all three of us were forward at the alter being anointed and prayed over. It was a very special time of worship, and even though I could not understand the words, I understood the message; Holiness. Which gave me inspiration for the next days Blog, "Peace By A Holy God". Then we went to church again on Sunday at 2:30, and again, we could not understand the words, but I definitely understood the message; "Abiding In Christ", taken from John chapter 15. This morning I was looking back on the adventure, and I could not help but wonder; is it "For" or "Towards", or maybe both? After all, "All" does mean ALL!

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